According to a study by American Dental Association, Gingivitis is one of the major, yet, very common causes of dental loss in adults. This is referred as an inflamed state of gums that mostly occurs due to bacterial infection. If left untreated for a longer span, it may also cause serious diseases like periodontitis.
Researches also state that Gingivitis and other such serious oral health issues summon other chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, dementia and so on.
One of the simplest ways to keep these dental problems at bay is regular practice of oral hygiene. To prevent Gingivitis and other oral diseases, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily and schedule dental visits regularly.
So, what causes Gingivitis?
We consider gum as the edges that are visible from outside. In reality, gums are attached to the teeth at the core of these edges. This attachment causes a small gap between the tooth and the gum that is known as sulcus. Plaques and tartars, may get trapped in these spaces, extend below the gum line, interact with harmful bacteria and cause gingivitis. This disease loosens the soft tissues of the gum line and separates them from the supported teeth. In long term, this infection may cause tooth decay and eventual loss of it.
Though Gingivitis is a very common gum disease, other factors can exacerbate this and deteriorate your overall oral health.
Poor oral hygiene
Smoking and chewing tobacco
Dry mouth
Poor nutrition and deficiency of important vitamins
Unaligned teeth, which are difficult to clean
Some drugs and medications
Diseases like oral cancer, leukemia, HIV, etc.
Hormonal changes
Genetic reasons
Viral or fungal infections
Now, let’s discuss the symptoms of Gingivitis.
Regular visits to your dentist at Airlie Smile Care makes you aware of your dental issues. It’s possible to have Gingivitis without any major symptom. Remember, a healthy gum has a strong binding with your teeth and is of pale pink color.
Therefore, the signs and symptoms of this disease includes:
• Tender, red and swollen gums
• When brushed and flossed, the gums bleed
• Weakened gum and teeth binding
• Loose teeth
• Misalignment of teeth when you bite
• Sore and pus between gums and teeth
• Pain while chewing
• Sensitive teeth to hot and cold beverages
• Ill-fitted partial dentures
• Persistent bad breath that remains even after brushing
How to diagnose this dental problem?
During your visit, talk to your dentist about your dental problems and symptoms. Your oral hygienist will check your gum with a small ruler. This specialized technique is also known as probing. Probing is used to check inflammation and measure pockets around your teeth. They will also check your problems related to oral cavity. In some major cases, they also recommend x-ray to examine the bone loss. These inspection methods are effective to diagnose Gingivitis and other oral diseases. Confirming the presence of any major gum disease, the dentist will refer you to a periodontist for a specialized gum treatment.
What is the treatment process all about?
A successful treatment of Gingivitis depends upon the proper diagnosis of the disease. It involves specialized care by dental professionals and follow-up routines at home. If you are diabetic, talk to your doctor as this can intensify your sore. You should also quit smoking to make the treatment effective. The clinical treatment for Gingivitis includes:
Deep Cleaning- Dentists employ different methods of cleaning to remove infection-causing plaques and tartars from your teeth. They use scaling technique to remove tartar from your gum line. Flossing is efficient in remove food particles from your teeth. But, when it comes to cleaning the root surface, nothing but root planning works the best. It not only removes plaque but also smoothens the rough spots on your teeth. Specialized clinics also use laser technique for comfortable deep cleaning, as the process doesn’t hurt and bleed the patient like other methods.
Medications- Disinfecting your mouth is a powerful way to treat Gingivitis. Dentists prescribe mouthwash containing chlorhexidine that acts as an antiseptic for your mouth. With the advancement in technology, antiseptic chips have become very fruitful medication that can be inserted into pockets after planing the roots. Antibiotic microspheres made of minocycline, flap surgery, bone and tissue grafts are some other specialized techniques to treat sored gums and decayed teeth. Periodontists also treat gum inflammation with oral antibiotics and advise Doxycycline to control damage causing enzymes.
Surgery- In some cases, where the teeth and the jaw are completely damaged and ulcered with Gingivitis, periodontist surgeons operate on them to make your smile healthy and beautiful.
Prevention is always better than cure.
Now that you know the clinical techniques that are applied to cure Gingivitis, it’s time to know the practices that can prevent it.
Brushing thoroughly twice a day can prevent many oral diseases including Gingivitis. Food residue on your teeth is the breeding ground for oral bacteria and their cooperation cause major gum diseases. If kept untreated, it may also cause other health issues. Brushing after each meal eliminates food leftovers and stops formation of plaques.
Flossing is another important practice that you must include in your daily oral hygiene regimen. With flossing, you can remove food particles effectively from the gap between your gum and teeth. Flossing at least once a day stops development of plaques, tartar, and bacteria in your mouth.
Nicotine escalates gum diseases. Thus, smoking and chewing tobacco are injurious to your oral health. Smokers are more prone to getting Gingivitis than non-smokers.
Taking prescribed vitamins boosts your immunity and helps you to fight different diseases. Vitamin D and C help patients with Gingivitis and bleeding gums. Also, try to take minerals in your diet. Calcium strengthens your jawline and reduces the chances of tooth decay.
Visit your dentist twice a year for through a check-up of your mouth. Professionals at specialized clinics examine your teeth and gum and prescribe preventive treatments accordingly.
Studies have linked Gingivitis with different pulmonary diseases. Thus, treating them from a quality dental care clinic can help you to beat many major diseases like cardiac and lung diseases. Also, try to incorporate healthy oral practices in your daily routine to promote the fight against plaque and other oral diseases. For further enquiry regarding gingivitis and other gum diseases, please call us at 0749467600.